Movies for the Installation player
Test movies used in the control program
sync_30min.mp4 30:00.00 Timecode. Spinning disc and bar. Audio pip every second. Designed for use in synchronisation tests.
intro_test.mp4 1:20.00 Introduction phase of the test installation. Spacer, legend, timecode and audio pip.
0:00.00 Black
0:10.00 'Intro'
1:10.00 Black
main_test.mp4 3:50.00 Drama, Choice, and Endings phases of the test installation. Spacer, legends, timecode and audio pip.
0:00.00 Black
0:10.00 'Drama'
1:10.00 Black
1:20.00 'Choices'
2:20.00 Black
2:30.00 'Ending 1'
3:00.00 Black
3:10.00 'Ending 2'
3:40.00 Black
credits_test.mp4 1:20.00 Credits phase of the test installation. Spacer, legend, timecode and audio pip.
0:00.00 Black
0:10.00 'Credits'
1:00.00 Black
parrot.mp4 4:03 Speaking characters for use in synchronisation tests.
lebesgue.mp4 5:00 Speaking characters for use in synchronisation tests.
Procedure for generating test movies
  1. Generate the frames as png files with a Processing sketch. The sketch source code is here.
  2. Make a movie file from the frames using ffmpeg: ffmpeg -r 25 -qscale 1 -i %05d.png xxx.mp4
  3. Make a sound file with pips every second click_30min.mp3. I used Audacity in Linux.
  4. Add the soundtrack to the movie file using ffmpeg: ffmpeg -i xxx.mp4 -vcodec copy -i click_30min.mp3 -acodec ac3 -ab 48000 -strict experimental -shortest yyy.mp4