Wayward frogs

A pair of frogs spotted in F1 in the front garden. It was difficult to see how they could get to the pond by themselves in that configuration, so I moved them to the pond’s edge. They soon swam off into slightly deeper water.

Nepeta in B2

Ideally I should cut these back and remove the cat protection to reveal the glorious bulbs underneath, but of course there aren’t any because when they should have been planted the nepeta were in full song. Solution: raise bulbs in pots and plant these out now? Supermarket bulbs in pots are not really big enough, but they may be better than nothing this year.

9 Feb 18

I planted 6 sprouting plants each of ‘Tête-à-tête’, ‘Minnow’ and ‘Jetfire’ from Homebase. Each plant consisted of at least two bulbs. Also some dwarf viola bedding.

30 Mch 18

Very good result, particularly considering all the frost and snow we’ve had this year.


The snowdrops I planted in the green last spring are small but healthy. These positions, especially under the hydrangea, should be suitable for some time. I should choose a few more spaces which I’m going to retain for spring bulbs and add some more snowdrops there.

Tetrapanax in late winter

All the lower leaves fell off cleanly, leaving these two. They look slightly odd, but they seem to be healthy and are not shading the bulbs beneath, so I’ll try leaving them