Bulbs from pots

The Tête-à-Tête bought from the garden centre 18 months ago have done particularly well, even in their second year. The miniature narcissi bought and planted last autumn are also looking good.

Terracotta pot shattered by frost

Several small terracotta pots have had their rims shattered by the recent frosts. Some big pots have been cracked. The only solution is probably either glazed pots, and I haven’t seen glazed pans, or expensive frost-proof terracotta from Whichford Pottery

Fierce cutting back

The miscanthus are doing very well and need to be separated.  It is normally pruned in spring, but perhaps not as hard as this. The choisia behind has suffered from being shaded and probably needs to come out.

The erysimum does not normally come again from old wood. If it does, good – if it doesn’t, fine.

Artemisia is said to respond to hard pruning. We’ll see.


Coldest spring day on record. Not that nuch snow, but very fine, and the wind has blown it into deep drifts. Rather poor photos illustrate the weakness of the phone’s camera in these conditions. I hope the frogspawn survives.