First frost

First frost to affect plants last night.

Bedding begonias in pot at back look as though they have been hit, although those at the front are fine.

Conversely, the two brugmansias still out at the front look rather bedraggled, while the single one at the back is as good as ever, with 12 flowers out, and more apparently coming.


I brought two of the small brugmansias indoors a couple of weeks ago, cutting one right back and putting its cuttings in water, as usual.

This big one at the back is the best it’s ever been. It gets blown over if it’s left on the astro platform in the wind, and it has to be moved out of the way if I need to get a telescope out. I stopped my weekly feed a week or so ago.

The big and medium plants in the front are looking a bit battered. They can’t be moved out of the wind.