Windy fence

This S (N facing) fence is the least well covered of my boundaries. It is also very windy, as the west wind funnels down the gap between my house and my neighbours’ to the S.

The golden hop is good in summer, but dies right down in winter. The ‘Gloire de Morengo’ ivy will be good in a few years.

The acer is pretty robust. This is the first year it was scorched by a very high wind a couple of months ago, even though it wasn’t very cold.

Possible shrubs to go here:

  • Aucuba japonica ‘Crotonifolia’
  • Cotinus coggyria ‘Royal Purple’
  • Euonymus

The abelia doing well in a pot at the front could go in the middle of the patch of persicaria, although the RHS says it needs a ‘sheltered, sunny position’.