
The thalictrum aquilegifolium in F2 are perfect this year. I didn’t give them a Chelsea Chop. Not too tall, standing up in the wind and flowering well. Presumably this is due to the particular weather conditions.

The same plants in F1 are much smaller, but still attractive. The euphorbia is bigger this year, which might have shaded them.

See also Jun 18, May 18, May 17


I’ve lost the labels for these garden variety ferns in pots.

15″ pot 164:

Pot 164: Much bigger than the Polypody in pot 182. The sori are less regularly spaced than those of the Polypody. The leaves are not attached to the stem like those of the Polypody. Could it be Osmunda regalis? No, I don’t think so, because the fronds don’t branch. See picture here.
Rob and Linda suggest Cyrtomium sp., probably C. fortunei. This seems likely. Thanks R&L. See picture here.

10″ pot 182:

Pot 182: Vaughn suggests some sort of Polypody. I’m sure he’s right, and it looks quite close to Polypodium vulgare to me.

Rosa ‘Albertine’

This is climbing up the ropes to the E wall of the house, although it’s facing strong competition from the clematis montana. Surprisingly, it’s even better on the neighbours’ N side of the fence.