Looking good



Lilium regale

A total of 6 bulbs from Harts planted in two pots in February. Very good. Strong scent. Entirely self-supporting so far.

Looking good at the front

I thought the iris was foetidissima, but it obviously isn’t. I wonder what it is and where it’s come from.
28 Jun 19
It must be ordinary yellow flag, Iris pseudacorus, although how it got here, nowhere near water, I still don’t understand. Thanks to Vaughn for the ID.

The hesperis is still doing well, and now propped up. I hadn’t realised it would get so big.
28 Jun 19
I’ve let it go to seed, rather than dead-heading it, because I’d like it to come back.

The hebe has been flowering for months, including all through winter.

Oriental poppy: one out, ten to go!

The stachys near the front door will need to be brought under control soon.

Looking good at the back

The Rosa complicata is just starting to flower. I need to prune it better next time.

Foxgloves are everywhere, but that’s fine.

This cardoon is now six feet tall, and unsupported. I suppose that’s asking for trouble. We’ll see.

This osteospermum is the only one of the four I’ve planted that’s survived. Odd, considering how well it does in other gardens round here.

Tulips in pots

17 Apr 19

These tulips in pots with alpines work brilliantly. The ones flowering for the third time are still looking good, but presumably I’ll have to replace them eventually. ‘Monte Carlo’ is going over a bit, but still good. ‘Red Riding Hood’ hasn’t started yet.


The ultimate display of pots is at Great Dixter:

Mine are not bad

Winter, 2016/17


Autumn 2016