Bamboo at front

The bamboo in a tub near the garage was blown over in storm Ciara. It looked nice, but I had been meaning to do something to reveal more of the culms and reduce the foliage anyway. I cut some of the stems that were leaning at an angle and looking a bit manky at ground level. Approximately 5 stems. Then I rubbed off the foliage from about 2/3 of the lower part of each stem.

I took off about 50% of the foliage which must reduce its wind resistance. From most angles it looks much better, although the stems definitely seem to be divided into two parts – old and new. It’s just as tall as it was, which is the main thing.

First real frost

Last night and the night before produced the first real frosts of 2019/20. The pond froze hard enough that I couldn’t push my finger through the ice (although the surface did move). But the leaves of the white arum in the pot at the NW corner of the back garden were unaffected.

Fennel in F1

Four of the six woody stems were blown down in recent high winds, and broke off at the base. The photo shows the remaining two after propping up. I was going to do something about this plant anyway, as it had got very large.


Now 8′ tall in B1 and B2, although quite modest in a pot at the front. Surprisingly stable without being propped up, although there hasn’t been that much wind.

Spirea nipponica ‘Snowmound’

When I arrived this shrub had been pruned into a very dull ball. When I cut it to the ground I discovered the plant label, and realised that it has an AGM.

In 2017 it was superb and flowered well. It seemed to suffer from the Beast from the East in 2018, and the subsequent drought. Most of it died, and a bracket fungus seemed to indicate the end.

Then, earlier in 2019, part of it made a miraculous recovery. What next?

Windy fence

Aucuba japonica ‘Variegata’, Cotinus ‘Royal Purple’ and Fatsia japonica planted out from pots. Also some rather weak Evening Primrose plants from Dyffryn. The spirea is actually looking quite good again.

Lilium regale

A total of 6 bulbs from Harts planted in two pots in February. Very good. Strong scent. Entirely self-supporting so far.

Windy fence

This S (N facing) fence is the least well covered of my boundaries. It is also very windy, as the west wind funnels down the gap between my house and my neighbours’ to the S.

The golden hop is good in summer, but dies right down in winter. The ‘Gloire de Morengo’ ivy will be good in a few years.

The acer is pretty robust. This is the first year it was scorched by a very high wind a couple of months ago, even though it wasn’t very cold.

Possible shrubs to go here:

  • Aucuba japonica ‘Crotonifolia’
  • Cotinus coggyria ‘Royal Purple’
  • Euonymus

The abelia doing well in a pot at the front could go in the middle of the patch of persicaria, although the RHS says it needs a ‘sheltered, sunny position’.




The wisteria is producing no flowers yet, but it’s shape is much better.

The euphorbia is big, and will need to be cut back soon. See what I did last year.

The acer was the plant most affected by the recent high winds. Will it recover this year?

The bay looks much better now I’ve cut quite a bit off the top.

The cistus in F2 has flopped right over, but is flowering well.